
14 threads | 14 posts
Indigo League by mew
12 threads | 12 posts


Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling Affiliates
Joselle 3 227 by Manor of Fate
Aug 21, 2014 20:39:27 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling Advertising Rules
Joselle 0 142 by Joselle
Jun 7, 2014 16:13:37 GMT -8


Thread Announcement Sticky Locked new New Poll Bookmark

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The tabs below contain the OOC box, or 'out of character' box and IC box, or 'in-character box'. In the OOC box, you can converse with other members. In the IC box, you can rp your muse in real-time. If you're new and you have some questions, the first place you want to go is the OOC box. There, you can find mods who can assist you. Please do not post anything in the red box on the bottom left hand corner--that is reserved for announcements.

Note that there are some rules to follow:

1) Please be courteous and respectful to other members.

2) Avoid talking about touchy or sensitive topics in the chatbox.

3) Abstain from anything too sexual without warning.

4) If a member is making you uncomfortable with the the topic at hand, you are free to tell them.

Any one who violates the chatbox's code of conduct will be put up to the moderators for scrutiny. Thank you!
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